3DMD Railings are objects to obtain a railings, drawing a simple 3d polyline. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. Quantities and many other options. Handrail and second handrail with many different brackets. Different base support. The 3DMD Railing objects are not compatible with the new railing tool introduced in Archicad 21.
- curved panel following slope
- panel and element edge, rectangular or circular
- 2th handrail with brackets on posts or panels
- 17 handrail brackets type with ring
- 10 base type
- 9 post type
- 5 bars types with section rectangular or circular
- different panel holders type and position
- different bars and elements ends
- different bars and elements distributions
- post and panel editable visibility and position
- parameters for list and schedule with final cost
- many other options to create your personal railing
- Texture adapted on the straight/curved panel
- Optimization for background processing and Archicad 19
- Special new profile sections for crossbars
- Led option for handrail -
The demo version is in wireframe mode without surfaces
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